Mazingira Yako


Wateraid Tanzania


Production, Branding, Event Launch


28 April 2022


Babati, Tanzania

Climate change in Tanzania and globally is still affecting the natural environment and its residents. Temperature rising in Tanzania has been

reported several times with TMA with a higher likelihood of intense rainfall events (resulting in flooding) and of dry spells (resulting in droughts).

In response to these threatening incidents, PRISM Communication Limited in collaboration with WaterAid Tanzania for a period of six weeks, conducted a climate change awareness, hygiene behavioral change, and environment sanitation improvement campaign through different channels of communication such as social

and mass media, bulk SMS, IVR promotion, and on-ground activation through conducting of school and community-based events, placement of IEC materials, handwashing facilities, and resource center facelifting and provision of support materials to environment champions and village environment management committee.
